Gamebird Tonic

A multi-vitamin & trace element complementary feed for poultry, to be diluted into the drinking water.

Gamebird Tonic is a comprehensive liquid supplement to support the growth and development of today’s Gamebirds. Supplementing the bird’s diet with balanced nutrition, helps ensure the health and performance of the bird during both rearing and release.

Protecting the bird from the oxidative stress occurring from oxygen reduction, can be achieved by providing optimum levels of antioxidants, Form Gamebird Tonic provides high levels of Antioxidants, combined with Nucleotides and Amino Acids, helping to support the immune system of the bird. Immune integrity is vital for game birds at the point of release, when increased challenge and environmental change can have a significant impact on long term health of the bird.

  • Directions for use:
    Dilute 100ml per 100 litres of clean drinking water
  • Administer to chick & poults. (Day old to 5 days) 3 days prior and post transfer
  • At any other times of stress, disease challenge and changing environment.
  • Administer to Rearing Birds – 3 days prior to & post medicalon.
  • Administer to Laying Birds – For 2 days every 1-2 weeks, particularly at times of stress and disease challenge
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